Summer is Coming
One of the busiest times for personal training requests falls in spring.
Why exactly does this happen?
- Summer holidays are booked
- Wedding invites are receive
- Winter blues are lifted
- Bank balances restored from Xmas overspend
Spring is as good a time as any to get started and gives you plenty of time to prepare for any events during the summer where you want to look and feel your best.
PT’s love working on summer goals in the spring - it sure beats that phone call two weeks before the holiday.
Health and fitness should be a priority all year round - except maybe for birthdays, holidays and, of course, Christmas.
Ok, and the odd weekend.
Rejoice, spring has sprung
But as spring hits us and we swap jumpers and coats for lighter and more revealing clothes, sometimes we are forced to take a reality check.
The combined physical effects of an extended seasonal hibernation, seemingly never ending social events, and a taste for winter comfort foods can be all too obvious when trying to get into last summer’s outfits.
Motivating oneself to go out for a run in the rain or pop to the pub with the team?
Salad in front of the crackling fire or something a bit more substantial?
OK, you get the picture - I’m being nice and making excuses for you.
In fact, I’m making excuses for all of us - personal trainers like a drink, eating pizza and often struggle with motivation too.
During winter I personally carry around an extra stone, often prompting calls of ‘Daddy Pig’ from the kids - sometimes even my own.

Taking action
So now you know you’re not on your own, let’s look at what you can do NOW to avoid mood swings and panic attacks two weeks before your summer events.
1. Get the date in your diary
You need something to aim for so getting it in the diary early will make things ‘real’.
2. Set your time frame
Count back the number of weeks from the above date to today.
3. Set a realistic goal
Multiply the number of weeks above by one (ok, that’s the same number as the weeks) and by two.
These two numbers represent the range of weight loss in lbs you can realistically expect during the time set out.
Alternatively, find a dress, suit or shirt that you’d love to wear to the event but currently doesn't fit as you'd like and try it on for size every other week.
You could actually do both.
4. Commit
It’s time to write down the days and times for all of your workouts each week. Plus, plan your nutritional strategy (this is crucial).
5. Evaluate
Jump on the scales or try on your clothing item every couple of weeks. Are things happening for you? If not, why not? What are you doing really well? What could you do better?
6. Be patient
If things don’t seems to be happening but you are 100% nailing your plan, be patient. If you’re struggling to stick to your plan, re-evaluate your goals/plan based on this experience.
About the author: Ronny Terry is a personal trainer at Kiss Gyms Swindon. You can view his profile HERE