What are supplements and why do we take them?
Written by Coz Davis - Thu 1st Aug 2019
This all depends on your health, whether you have a fitness goal and your finances! Are they legal?! Are they actually useful? There are so many on the market which is why a lot of people get confused as to which ones you should be taking.
Over the next month we will be providing you with information about certain supplements which we know work and have evidence based studies to validate them. It’s then up to you as to which you think will benefit you!
There may be some supplements we don’t include in the coming weeks. So if there is a supplement you use or have been told about but you are unsure on the benefits then please comment below
We will leave you with something to think about ... do you classify protein powder as a supplement?
For more info on supplementation and nutrition please contact Coz on corrinne-nutrition@hotmail.com or 07786442721.